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Langy is a tool that simplifies input source languages on OSX.
Forget about changing the language from Spanish chat to Russian markdown to your Greek studies.

If you're having problems with the demo, please select English as your input source language.

English US Code editor
Spanish AR Chat
  • Hola che, como va?
Japanese Rich text editor

How does it work?

Set up the language for specific apps and each time
you focus on that it'll be ready to type.

Download, it's free! Osx 10.7+
View on GitHub!

Core Features

There are 3 ways to set up the languages for each app.

Default language


App specific language

App specific

Remember last used

last used

Help us do more stuff

Langy is a free app we made to learn. We enjoy doing this and will like to do more stuff.
Donate, hire us or get in touch to support our work.

Nicolás Santangelo Coded by

Nicolás Santangelo

GitHub Twitter

Nicolás Rougier Designed by

Nicolás Rougier

GitHub Twitter

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Picture Trey Ratcliff